Can I use Radionics? HOW?
I believe any farmer can use radionic technique (can do the same things that I do) if they are open to it, willing to try . . .and not afraid to take the time to learn.
This means risk-taking, trying something you have never done before . . . and learning from your mistakes.
This also means that you must change the way you look at your farm, your soil, and the crops you grow. You must add a dimension to it, a subtle dimension.
How? Well I can tell you how I did it . . .
I look at radionics as a concept (in agriculture a growing system), and yes, as a skill. I differ from many of my colleagues in that I consider the equipment i use as tools, and emphasize the importance of the skills you must learn to use the properly, and effectively.
Here is the Table of Contents for your teaching manual, "Tips and Techniques for Radionic Farmers".
As you will see there are many applications for Radionics on the farm. Your options (opportunities) are many and with each project you choose there will be many things to learn.
After all,
Experience is the BEST teacher!
The interesting thing is that these skills are a real stretch for most people. They usually "don't come naturally" and take some adjustment of your sense of reality. Sometimes when we step outside of our perceptions we feel uncomfortable, unsure.
I can remember going through this "stretching process". It is easier if you have some sort of foundation beneath.
I do talk about this in this course and invite comments from you . . .
This beginning Chapter is all about you, the farmer, the grower of food, the steward of the soil. I think sometimes that we have forgotten how important our farmers are and sometimes in the whirlwind of paying the bills we farmers forget how great our stewardship is to the land, and our people.
The best fertilizer . . . is the farmer's footstep.