Introducing Tips and Techniques . . .

About this course

This is my premier Agricultural Radionics course and is based on my 250+ page manual, Tips and Techniques for Radionic Farmers, self published in 2008 by Little Farm Research.

In order to make it available and supportive to farmers world-wide I have chosen the following format (and the following options)

  1. The course and workbook and some personal learning materials are available in pdf form in this course for the modest fee of $100 USD. (This is the barebones approach)
  2. The course, manual and a hour of Q&A time with Lutie Larsen is available for $150 USD
  3. A third option is to include online coaching on a specific seasonal agricultural project. I will try to not limit the coaching sessions and will send additional materials as needed. The class fee for this option is $200 USD.

The private coaching and Zoom time will be set up by the student and myself by email [email protected] I will be happy to set up an introductory Zoom meeting or private call to answer any questions and discuss the best option for your circumstances. There will be no fee for this meeting. I may need to limit the number of students in this third option because of the time it will take for me to prepare, evaluate and present suitable techniques

Here is a brief over view of the chapter headings. I have tried to incorporate tunings and procedures I have used at LFR (or have used when consulting with farmers on their projects) Every area, every crop is unique.

The advantage with subtle field (radionic) evaluation, you can anticipate the physical response from the subtle response (evaluation). There are many similarities too and you soon will have a working knowledge on how to support growth cycles and fine-tuning production.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 The Farmer
  • Chapter 2 Radionic Technique
  • Chapter 3 Soil 
  • Chapter 4 Minerals and Mineral Ratios 
  • Chapter 5 Soil Chemistry
  • Chapter 6 Microorganisms 
  • Chapter 7 Seed 
  • Chapter 8 Plant Growth 
  • Chapter 9 Environment
  • Chapter 10 Insect Management
  • Chapter 11 Production
  • Chapter 12 Trees, Vines and Perennials
  • Chapter 13 Animal Care 
  • Chapter 14 Polyculture 
  • Chapter 15 Sustainability

I am constantly learning and spend time each day with my projects so this course will be updated regularly.

1 LF TIPS and Techniques-TOC.pdf

You are welcome to download this full TOC, print it out and preview the various lectures.

There is so much information here that it is good to set up a file and include your notes as well as questions you might have (or areas where you want more detail). You can always utilize the Comments section for quick questions or requests (or you can send me an email at [email protected]

3 LF TIPS and Techniques- Radionic Technique .pdf
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